Monday, July 22, 2013

A note - continued

It might sound a bit boring to be practising an instrument without any sort of fixed goals. So , i am going to give you one !! Yes , so now you know how most songs are played  , since you have had enough practise playing them. Now , how about i tell you to play these songs without looking up the chords ??  Dont protest ! There is a way.

One thing i have learnt from experience is that , a lot of songs can be played with a very simple set of chords. These are called the major and minor chords , and yes , you already know them ! But how do you figure out what chord goes where ?? A rather foxing question if you are a relatively new guitar player. It was something that confused me too , and i am still not an expert at it.  But there are some tips that i have for you .

All songs , almost all the simple ones atleast , will be set to one key. This is the pitch or the scale at which the song will be sung . So , most songs will be in one key , and this key could be a C , C# , D , D# etc , and so on ... Now . How do you figure this out ?? This is where the ear comes in handy. Most songs you played with the help of the internet will also be set in some key right ? Its a good exercise to go back and check what these songs are set in... Now , this is the main part.

All major chords and minor chords will fall into some scale , and the simplest one is the Major scale. The major scale follows this order.  Let me start with an example.

The chords comprising the C major scale look like this --

C , Dm , Em , F , G , Am, Bdim  ( i am not sure if its dim or dim7..but i am not going to discuss diminished chords here ).

The D major scale will look like this

D , Em, Fm,F#,G#,A#m,,C#dim

You might be able to see a pattern here .. No ? Ok , let me tell you .

All major scales are based on an interval rule . The first note is called the root note , and that will be the key of the major scale . So C major scale has a C root note.  The notes are separated by the following intervals

full step , full step , half step , full step,full step,full step,half step

And hence , if you follow this rule ( also keeping in mind that E and B do not have sharps) , you will get a beautifully neat C major scale as shown below.

C- D - E -F-G-A-B-C

Now , lets apply this rule to D major scale  or also known as Major scale in the Key D


You can apply the same rule to all major scales in any key .... !

So ,now , coming back to chords, they also follow the same notes in the scale ! This means that if you are playing a song in C major scale , all the chords will be some form of C , D , E , F ,G , A or B ! Also these forms are usually either major or minor , and sometimes a diminished. Lets take a look at how chords look like in the C major scale .

The C major scale chords would be ...

C major , D minor , E minor, F major , G major, A minor , B dim .

Same way , D major scale chords would be ...

D major , E minor , F#minor , G major , A major , B minor , C# dim.

See a pattern ?  Yup , the chords will be of sequence   major (root note ), minor , minor , major , major , minor , dim !  This you will learn from some practise , and its nothing to worry about .

So , now we know what chords come in a scale . The next tough part is to figure out how these chords/scales fall into a song . Lets think about this now !

PS : these sequences of chords are usually called chord progressions. The above method is helpful in figuring out songs that have major chord progressions , as it lets you play/strum songs freely without making them sound too bad.

Playing by the ear - revisited, and the magic of chord progressions

To pick up any song by the ear , what you need to do first is figure our the root chord or the scale for the song . This can usually be figured out by humming that song in your head and trying , and hoping to find a major chord that goes with the song. This takes a lot of hit / miss , and practise. It is very essential that you have experience in playing some chords and some songs before you attempt this . But its totally possible that you are good , by the ear player and you get this stuff on the first go. So , once you have this figured out , try to work your magic by checking if its a major scale song by attempting the other chords in the major scale , of that key. As you keep experimenting , you will slowly understand which key the song is in .
For instance , say the song is in C major scale , and you do not know it , but  you got the stanza of the song with F major in it. Now the next thing you might want to check is if the next line goes with a G major or a C major and so on , and you strike up a E major chord in it. Now you know for sure that its not a C major scale song since there is no E major chord in a C major scale ( using the above rules) . And you go ahead and fiddle with a major scale progression that has E major chord and the F major chord in it. Once you start narrowing it down this way , it gets a lot easier to predict the chord progressions and for jamming the song on your guitar while playing along . Once you hit the right scale and the right progressions , its very hard for the song to sound wrong , even if you are not playing the exact chords. This is the magic of figuring out the right progressions  !!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

A note - Guitar/Keyboard playing

Disclaimer : This is not really an experts post on learning the guitar/ the keyboard . These are some methods i found to be useful when i started learning the instruments. If anyone thinks there is a better method , you are most welcome to comment. 

Facts :  I am also an amateur guitar player , and my current skills involve finger picking , picking up simple songs by the ear , playing most major ,minor and sus chords , bar chords , and absolutely no solo playing. So before you dive into this tutorial , i want to promise you that this will not be the most organised or the most clear compared to the plenty of others available out there. However, i did not go through any tutorials to learn guitar and so there might be something different about this one that you might like . No promises though.

Right. Lets get started. The basics.

What you should know : a bit about the chords, its good if you are an avid listener , and it will be better if you are someone if you can sing along or at least hum along. Its essential that you learn all the major and minor chords. If you are a guitarist , it really helps if you know bar chords. You can learn and develop ease of playing them by trying out random songs and playing along to develop familiarity , or even learn them as you go along. Its a very parallel exercise , and there is always google to help you out.

What i am going to write about : Mostly about figuring out songs, my ideas on how some of these scales work , how you can figure out tough chords. All these methods involve experimenting , and is a long term process. I would like to look at this as more of a tip/pointers material than anything else. I will mostly be trying to relate to myself whenever i am talking about playing by ear/ playing chords etc , and this will probably be helpful (i think i think i think !) . Alright. Lets start !

Guitarists ,learn to tune  - Eventually , no hurry 

Guitar - Its a beautiful 6 stringed instrument. One of the first things , if you are a guitar player.. Learn to tune your guitar. Doesnt matter if you cant do it now. It doesnt matter if its taking you ages to do it . Learn to do it !! At first , yes , it would be very helpful to get the tuner along with your brand new guitar , or even take a tuner wherever you go in case you dont have your own guitar. Tuning without the help of the tuners though, is essentially that one thing you should be good at at some point of time , and its better if  that time doesnt tend to infinity in this case.

There are a couple of reasons why i think this is important. Tuning is a listening exercise. It hones your skills of picking up sounds and comparing them with a reference note. This is very essential for a musician. It doesnt matter if you are not aiming for John Petrucci . Your ear is the ultimate instrument.

Keyboardists , no tuning for you , how lucky!

Or are you ? May be you are missing out on some ear exercise. But saves you that frustration and time.

Kick-starting the guitar/piano playing

I started playing the guitar some time ago , and i was mostly stuck playing songs like " Twinkle Twinkle little star, how i wonder... " , " Tujhe Dekha toh ye jaana sanam...  " etc, for a while . I realize it was because i did not really know what i should be doing with the guitar . I had no guidance , i had no reference material  , and i was a kid who hardly listened to music with guitars / keyboards in it.  So , for anyone who is an aspiring guitarist / keyboardist , my first request. Start listening to your favourite music !! If it doesnt have guitars or keyboards, well , explore !  People are too serious about their tastes in music , let me tell you this, it will definitely evolve.. So explore , and never stop !

By the way , the step above will take a while. But music is all about the experience and we know that dont we !.So , yeah , once you are done with that , you probably know what kind of music you like and the style of music etc. The next thing you would want to decide is how you are going to use your instrument to play your kind of music.

Impromptu disclaimer :  This stuff is strictly experience based, and these are not rules.

Picking up notes by ear and playing chords

Playing by the ear is something that comes in handy if you are a singer. Its very useful for picking up and playing songs that you hear on a daily basis . This especially helps if you are playing chords to the songs. The difficulty with playing by ear though is that , well , some people find it difficult. This is something that cannot be explained simply because i am not a neurophysicist , and there are a very few neurophysicists who i talk to on a daily basis to discuss such things...Ok OK, i digress. So the point being. A lot of people think that playing by the ear is tough. Well , to some extent it is .But it may not be as tough as you think. A lot of us do have this ability , and this probably is something that was built into us evolutionarily. Some of us dont have it either because

1. we have forgotten it over time
2. we have it but we do not know
3. we do not have it. at all .

I would like to believe that we are all in the first 2 categories , and just go ahead with this tutorial , and talk about other possibilities later :)

When i was around 19 or so , i realized that i had lost this ability to play by the ear. When i was probably a 10 year old , i was sent to one of the quintessential music classes. I obviously did not know what the hell this was all about really ,and i was probably one of those dumb kids who knew nothing about music when they were 10 years old .Ok , that is a heck of a lot of them , but you know what i am saying. I was ignorant about the musical ear and stuff and i didnt value that part of music much. So , when i was 19, i was struggling to sing to the scale/ chords that my music teacher was playing on his guitar ,and this bothered me . VERY MUCH. So , on one of those fine days , i picked up an old yamaha 20 odd key keyboard  , found a song i like on google , got the chords for it , and started singing the first line while just playing one major chord. After i made sure that i got this relation between the chord and what i was singing,  i started playing around with the chord. For instance , if my songs first line was in C major , i would shift the chord to D major , and then try to sing in this new scale. This would obviously mean that i would need to pick up the scale of the song by hearing what D major sounded like . Once i did that after a couple of tries,  i shifted it to E major. This went on for a while , and i realized that its not that easy.

Disclaimer : Playing by the ear is a breeze for a lot of people out there. This could be because they managed to develop it really well , or it just never left them.  That is nothing to be intimidated by.

So ! One thing you can definitely do as a part of playing or improving your musicianship is to listen to as many songs as possible, and then trying to figure out what chords comprise them. And at first , i would recommend that you do what i did , that is , to use google/chord libraries to get the real chords and just blindly copy and play them as you sing along or sing in your head, or hum along , or jam with someone. Once you are an expert on some songs , you will slowly get the hang of how these songs feel with these chords. And by this  , what i mean is this - At first the chords you are playing and the song that you are singing or humming / have heard many not seem to have any connection at all. As you keep playing them , your ear will slowly get better at deciphering the notes that you are playing , and you will slowly understand the relation between the chord you are playing and the phrase or the part of the song you are singing. This will really help you later towards being able to play songs on your own (without google!).

An easy song all of us can start playing is  Knocking on Heavens door . Its one of the first songs that i started out with on my guitar , and it is really a simple and beautiful song. There are millions of other songs out there that are simple and probably simpler ! I encourage you to check them out and get a feel for the chords. ( This stuff is harder to do on a keyboard, but its definitely useful if you can hold the chords and hum the song along).

This part is sometimes more enjoyable than you think , and i think i spent a long long time in this process of getting to know chords more closely by just playing them.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

New York

Took a trip to New York state with my cousin during the July 4th (American Independence Day) weekend. It was a very fun trip . Made some great memories. Had a lot of time in backseat of a Toyota Corolla , and was fiddling around with my camera for a bit. So here are some snaps of the wonderful countryside shot from my mobile phone. I have developed this liking for my phone as a camera , because it allows me to quickly capture moments without too much fidgeting around.

Fields with yellow flowers and mountains in the background

House and farms and the road
Road and Clouds
Rain and the mountains
Rain and the road
Blue skies
sepia sunset
Willows and Lovers

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Screw up

There are certain points in your life where you are just simply forced to stop, and think.. "Did i just screw that up?". More often than not , this should be a good thing . It should sort of help you re-evaluate what you are doing with life and all that. However, when this question sort of starts irritating you a lil too much , its about time you realized that something is seriously going wrong with life. Lately, i have noticed a pattern of behaviour from my side which probably puts me in the "a**hole" category. I am not sure about how i can name this. Lets see. Laziness ? Irreverence ? Indifference ? Denial ? . Its probably all combined too. Cant put my finger on it , but it does seem to be taking a toll on my social activities and my overall mood. Summer is getting to me.


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Instacure (the solomon shoshanna love story)

Disclaimer : My opinions on this blog are not about this song. I love this song , and i absolutely love this movie. Its more about how alarmed i get when i find that people are more accepting of "traditional kind of love" compared to "modern kind of love".

Are you an ailing lover  , stuck in the 20th century family, with absolutely no way to express your feelings for the opposite / fairer sex ? Do people scorn at you for watching the hip/awesome shows on MTV/Channel V ? (shit even that sounds like the 90s , but w/e). We have a solution for you , especially if you are a young vibrant , romantic , energetic mallu , with strong christian values in your family. Yes. Introducing the legal form of love. The solomon and shoshanna love story !

This love story is pure , pure like the waters of the backwaters of the vembanad lakes of kerala. This love story is ethical moral , and strictly sticks to religious ways, and does not in any way , involve fighting with families , unless you are talking about a clarinet band faceoff. This story is awesome because god himself makes sure that this kind of stuff happens (for more info , watch the movie).

So yes , if you are a youth stuck in an imaginary town in kottayam like say kumarakom or something , and happen to have innocent lasses around your neighborhood trying to hit on you. Please do feel free to continue fantasizing  about your ethical love affair after watching this song.

The rest of you minority stuck in other towns , surrounded by people from different religions , castes , and a million other sub-castes , please ignore. This is not for you.

PS : Nothing against this song. Love this song. I am only alarmed by the fact that love gets so much bias when it starts getting close to "spirituality"/religion (ahem) .

Sunday, June 16, 2013

iOS 7 UI . Do i give a f#ck ?

I have never been an apple fan boy. But i love what they did to smartphones,  more or less influenced everyone else to follow suit , and made some pretty darn good looking mp3 players. Now , this iOS 7 UI update has been doing the rounds , and i know a huge majority of designers dont like it . Majority ? Ok , i take that back . A lot of them dont like it .Much better. Now.. Do i care ?

No. Why ?  Well , firstly , apple should get over their iPhone fetishes. Their device is easily more than 6 years old in terms of everything . The way it looks , feels , works , everything . They have their retina display going for them . Yes, most of their stuff works like Android and Windows ,but who are we kidding here ? None of the phones that are actually out today do any justice to what could have been. Nokia genuinely tried to bring some innovation in , but alas , they had to depend on windows. I would like to believe that we are investing way too much in hyping up stuff and technology, advertising and releasing too many phones. iPhone 5 is just a way to say , oh hold on , we have a new phone ! iOS 7 is a new way of saying that "Oh wait, we can have colors in our OS too..!". The same does apply to Samsung who for whatever reason released samsung galaxy s4 . Now , we all know that its got nothing special except more RAM and possibly a new processor. For the hype its getting , it looks like most people are made to believe that its an entirely new phone , and its no less than the hype smartphones got when they first came out (more or less ?) . In my opinion , with a new release of a new "landmark" phone or OS ( iOS7 , biggest change since iOS - remember ?) ,there is no sense of purpose that actually needs to be really fulfilled. Updates to the iOS 7 / Jelly bean have been nothing but cosmetic , and even multitasking features have been long overdue , and shouldnt be treated as something "landmark".

The simple rule is that we all want something new , and if its iPhone 4 vs iPhone 5 , we choose 5 , simply because its slightly better. So yeah , apple fanboys will be apple fanboys for quite some more time . Unless google does something like a science fiction version of a phone . Reality check acheived.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Yeh Jawani , Hai Dewani

We have seen a million "Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara"s by now.. We just dont realize it . Thats all . The only thing that was good about ZNMD was that it was so bloody chilled out yaar. No one gave a damn about anything in the middle of having fun, except Kat and Hrithik who had to sort of make it work since they had 5 days to fall in love and all that.  I digress.  Point being.

Yeh Jawani Hai Dewani tries to do a ZNMD and flops big time. Let me tell you why.

1. Trekking the peak is not an easy thing .Especially if you are not wearing enough thermal wear , and if you are drinking for the first time, especially if you are this nerdy girl who never seems to have done anything adventurous ever. Umm. ok . I will let this go on a technicality that she does look smoking toned (this part comes later in the movie , so i kind of post processed my thoughts here).

2. This movie is not about life and having fun or dreams. Sometimes its just a chronological narration of how cool Deepika Padukone becomes cooler and cooler , decides to lose more and more clothing , and probably is the hottest female doctor , with her own clinic, and is pure 100% desi , and still manages to dance with probably the most awkward Indian looking dress ever ( Bikini sari , i like to call it woot?). Not that m against women doing all that you know .But come on ! Nerd, Doctor, Indian Values , and then this horror ? And why do cool women have to expose everything ? Kya bakwas ! (please do not try to conclude that the converse is true. Mildly dressed women can be cool ;))

3. Seriously did not get the point behind the story. So , this woman who is in love with this man , splits up , and after 8 years of what seems to be proper separation ( he asks her if shes married , has a baccha/bacchan and all ..) , they just get back aise hi ? Just like that ? Man i wish life were that easy ! Jealous of this guy yaar , seriously.

4. Ranbir Kapoor in normal life would have ended up a villian here , accd to THIS story. A man who runs after his career for 8 years , doesnt call his closest friends mroe than 20 times..The only thing that keeps this a good happy ending film is the fact that he has angels for friends. Now , if we assume that everyone in the movie is like Ranbir Kapoor , this movie would have made a little more sense to a lot of us. This movie twists reality while making it look like its all OK. Sorry man,  cant buy this .

Saturday, May 18, 2013

How much are reviews worth

I am no expert in reading reviews. Trust me. I almost read none. Oh well , i am lying. I do read some when i feel enormously suspect about spending 10 dollars on my nearest local theater (who am i kidding , its 6 dollars) , for watching a movie I dont really feel like watching. May be it will spring a surprise on me. And hence i go ahead and read the review (laugh if u get the irony) .

But honestly, gathering thoughts here. We do all read the review to get some hope into our heads. I am a rather regular person , and i dont really gather a visual interpretation/analysis of how a movie looks like from a very skewed,simplistic,complicated or sometimes crude writings of people who are "experts".

Lets go over this word. Experts.

Experts. They are people who know the game. They know what movies are all about.For most of them i am guessing that its about the technical expertise in the movie, and for some its just entertainment. They are really awesome at objectifying everything thats subjective about a movie. Holy shit. That is talent.
Now. Its a pretty obvious statement to make. But i am still going to make it. Experts are only really completely understood by experts. Not by laymen, not by bored and depressed kids looking for a break from college, and not definitely people who are trying to budget their expenses for entertainment purposes. But yet,  why do we consult "experts" ? And why do experts spend so much time on reviews? (do they?).

A review of anything that is art is probably worth 5 mins of your time. And that applies only if its more than 300 words in length. No more. Go bloody watch the movie i say. Asking for a friends opinion on a movie is a better idea in my opinion. Two advantages - 1. You probably know what he likes  2. You can judge him/pick a fight after you are done watching it.

Reviews should be no more than an indicator of the average rating of a book/a movie . Its what it is , the average. Doesnt tell you how good it is. It probably tells you how bad it could get, but nothing more. Based on how creative your mind is , it could go to "awesome" or "YOLO m not watching/reading this" mode. Sit back , enjoy.

- A pissed of layman watching people fight over movie reviews/ books / opinions of people on books and reviews and what not on facebook.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Value Education

This was like a timepass course in school for us ? You never took it ? Really !!?

For those who did and did not ,

Here are my opinions and observations..

Day 1 : A teacher walks in . Has a stick in her hand. She commands that you listen to a friend of yours read the first chapter of this book that exudes values . ( I still do not know who wrote this book ? Was it jesus ?)..
The first chapter is about helping people in need , love cooperation etc..

Day 2: Girl from class tells boy from class that she loves him . The girl obviously gets a nice reputation for being "ROMANTIC" (thats kids..they never call anyone s**ts). Teachers obviously now deal with this matter as something of "utmost importance that demands interference from parents, neighbours, teachers).

Day 3: Kids get to know that the love has been "nipped in the bud".

Day 8: Teacher comes in for the next value-ed class, gives a lecture about not "loving" girls. o.O

Thus begins the journey of double standards in a value-ed class. Its brilliant and funny and  sad in retrospect.

By - A man doing a Facepalm.

Thursday, May 2, 2013


Sometimes i wish.. 

I wer a lil less lazy
A lil less me 
A lil less of everything
people hate about me
I wish i could fly
up in the sky 
with the birds and the wind
and the clouds and the trees
Be pure as snow , 
white as the sun,
fragrant like the flowers 
and free like the bees
sweet like the honey
cold as the river
free like a mind
that dreams forever
its all ,what i am and what i will be
its all that i have ,
in my company


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

mathematics is full mathematics aliya

Mathematics is loosely used in malayalam as follows..

"Eda, ithu full mathematics aa" - Interpreted as, "man, this is entirely mathematics " , again for laymen aka non-malayalay-men  , " dude this is incorrigible" .. That is math in a nutshell for me.

I love math. Trust me, I do . I am amazed at what it can do .Ask me to solve something , i will sit and somehow get it done. Ask me to do it again , and i will whimper like a kindergartner left alone in the playground past 5 pm , on a rainy day , when his parents forgot to pick him up... shudders..

Sunday, February 17, 2013

My note to briberians,public , et al

Hey Public !
Yeah you.. Come on , put down that thing that you are holding right now ! Yeah , thats right. Your fake.... ideals !

We know that we all gave bribes..Hell yeah , i did. It was called "the fee you have to pay" to get the drivers license. I never wanted a drivers license. But then , you know, family pressure and stuff.... And yeah , this is not to real ideal public. i know a lot of em. I respect you all. You all rock. The rest read on (non-hypocrites, read on).

We are all jealous of the politicians, arent we ? Their life is just so bloody awesome. Almost everyone has a BMW/Audi these days in India (everyone has it in america btw.just saying). Every politician out there has been the brunt of the lack of direction the public anger has. Of course , they do deserve some of it.. But really ? All of it ? No.No way.

Firstly, getting bribe is not an easy job. It takes balls to do it. I mean, who would really take a bribe if they knew that there are a bunch of canniving little bastards out there trying to bring you down from a monstrosity of a well paying job for their own good?  Well , the answer is , the man with.. b.., ok ,guts..! It takes guts people. Takes guts to get a bribe from someone. Doesnt take guts to give bribe though. its bloody easy. All you need to do is just give it to him , and then blame him later for it.
So. All the briberians, i salute you.. You are a spoilt kid.Thats all you are. You obviously cant be treated like a spoilt kid coz you are a spoilt kid trying to run the nation...So yeah,  face it , or just get the hell out ! Feeling sorry for you.But well. Thats life.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Let Go

I once had a conversation (quite long ago) with a friend regarding how easy it was to let go of something in life. This friend of mine is a pretty reasonable chap mind you. So if i am going to state anything here , its better kept in mind that it comes from a pretty rational source.

He said that i moved on from things quite quickly. Except one.

It did come to me as a surprise. I never looked back into my past. He was right. I always believed in making the best out of what i was presented. It was never a contest between me and destiny where i told it to change course according to my needs and blamed it if it did not oblige. Destiny to me only existed in retrospect. I never bothered to carve out one for myself. So , it did come as a surprise to me when he said that i could not move on from that one single thing. I started wondering why. I do usually attach myself to things. Im not the guy who broods, but sometimes i do get fixated onto ideas. I love the little joys that come attached with them. For instance, i love the fact that early mornings have soft sunlight and birds chirping. A morning without either of these counts as nothing to me. In a sense , the birds are the part of my morning. Be it morning in Kerala, Bangalore or Minneapolis.I have been trying to apply the same logic to people.

I guess its human nature to find replacements or people to connect with , whenever there is sudden scarcity of a social circle(s). It must be no surprise then if a person tries to fill up a void made by someone who thinks is different/special. This could be anyone i guess. But in my case , oh well .. 

Letting go of a person involves a lot of things. Its not just about forgetting this person . Sometimes its the very actions that we take , those which came to be defined in the process of being with this person. It could be tastes developed, hobbies, language, humor and anything or everything that can be influenced by a second party. 

Its bloody hard to do in the true sense of the word. I can forget, but m not sure if i can let go entirely . I do not know what that word means to anyone/everyone. They seem to be doing it pretty easily , and m more or less convinced that they are not doing it the right way.