Saturday, April 21, 2012

Rise and shine cycle

Every single day before starting out to study/work

9:00 AM - Meh!
11:00 AM -  Ok, this has gone too far, i need to do something bout this ! \m/
12:00 PM - Ok , lets do dis !
1:00 PM - Man, m hungry ,lets do this after lunch shall we..
2:00 PM - yummy, wasted too much time cooking , so tired , need to rest up
3:00 PM - Hah..lets do this !

Monday, April 9, 2012

What i miss

Right now , i miss the tea dad makes. Simply superb. I can turn into a tea addict just by thinking bout it... He could never ever say no whenever i asked him for a cup of tea. Tea was our thing . !