Saturday, October 23, 2010

Tagged BACCK

K , i got tagged back on my lame tag by the great Milcom himself.Bastard..!
So here it goes.. .( ah , this is called giving a doctor the taste of his own bad medicine.M gonna think twice the next time i wanna tag anyone)

1 I’d rather die than – kill myself :D
2. I would rather not talk to that chick in the metro compartment coz - chances are that , that chick would get down at the nearest metro station.They are pretty close you know.She can walk from there to her station if she wants to.Or may be catch the next one.Damn u delhi metro!! (no metro in bangalore this is my delhi period we are talkin about :) )
3. I would rather not get out of the house right now and go chick mongering coz – Its landmark sales day, cheap people dominate.And if i do get out, i d rather monger for cheap books on sale :D .
4. I can eat 10 chapatis in one go , provided – My mom makes it .AND ITS SUNDAY.
5. I am the best cook , when it comes to - makin my own recipe , that only i eat. i absolutely love my food! .And yeah , i make deadly Tea :)
6. Bass Heavy vs Treble Heavy – I love bass..give me more !! but ya, treble is needed in a moderation.
7. Death metal vs Thrash metal – Thrassshhhh!!! (cymbals/crash/hihat/bass drums/rhythm guitar/shredding solos/decipherable vocals :D )
8. Guitar vs Twitter – Twitter is for the jobless.I would still go with Guitar :D
9. Nerd vs Metalhead , wic one would u rather be known as ? I wanna be known as a nerd.But i am not there yet.I m too fat and too dumb to be one.YET :P . I am not a metalhead anymore.Hardly have the space to headbang here.But in spirit , hell yeah !
10. College Crush – Had 2.One was above my league.One hit me below
11.School Crush – Had one there too.I told her after college and then , she apparently had put point 10 to effect before i had and it worked out for her.
12.Dumping experiences – Its an epic one. i got dumped via an SMS.
13.Passion since childhood – I have not managed to keep any passion going since childhood.... ehmm..but ya, music/photography stayed the longest.But started practisin quite recently.
14.Greatest #fail moment – SMS
15.Greatest #epic #win moment – successfully dislodging the FTII app form on time. ( i honestly cant remember any others..loads of real awesome ones with family,like buying my sister her first Camera.But they are default and too corny to be put here :D )

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Found this new radio called jazzradio. You can listen to it on , if you really like Jazz ie ;) . And yes , it is not all that pacy.I found it really hard to get prepped up by the music , though it was really beautiful.Its easier to get lost in it than get pumped up.

Other than tht ,theres been nothig going on, except work.Need to work on a couple of pictures that i had clicked sometime back.Hoping to get the time to do it..

I realized that the editing i did for my last flickr pic was a total disaster with untouched portions and the abysmal text at the bottom was never so obvious , after my TFT gave me an all together different look after the sun went down.Curse u low LED TFTs!.

I think i gotta put a curtain up , or else may be buy a CRT. :|

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

the hunt is on , for shrkhand !

days are just turning out to be big bores...esp since my GRE is coming up...muggin up wordlists aint easy.Neither is getting all the answers right in Math.Its always mind vs matter.COncentration is supposedly supposed to rule supreme.It aint happening for me.I always goof up , if not here , over there.Expectin a miracle cure soon.just 6 days to go.!!!

In other news..finally got to upload a pic on flickr after a loong time..YAY ! . you can check it out on

Oh ,ya . I also went out fishing for shrikhand (ehehe.coincidentally, matches with my name.. :P) .It was nowhere to be found.Looks like Shrikhand is in high demand :P .

Hopefully i ll get it by next week. :( .
Have a great week ahead . WTF starts from tomorrow :P

Cheers !

Monday, October 18, 2010

Oh,i am a millionaire ??

Got a mail today from a Ms Judith...

And it said ....

Mrs.Elizabeth picked your email for an inheritance of $18Million.For details


LOL . Thats the most suave SPAM mail i have ever received :) 

Wake Up sid.rehash.

Yes, it happened again.
I watched wake up sid.
again.and again. and again.
Looks like the movie isnt that bad after all :D :D

Firstly theres a lot of things that i really really like about this movie.

1.The music.Its comparisons.Shankar Ehsaan Loy know how to make the younger generation swing (ya i count myself :P)
2.The music..Oh over the music part....2 is the photography...Some mind blasting sequences in kya karoon and Iktara..The way the colours are put together in the background is simmmply superb.So darn sweet and pleasing to the eye.( I konw im sounding gay here , but , well..its one movie that gives you a kick wen ur looking for colours :D )
3.The actttinnggggg ..Konkona is supperr..i loved the chemistry between her and Ranbir.She pulls of a sweetie pie in this movie.U do start feeling bad for her at times...The confused,self inflicted sophistication, compared to Sid's true down to earth innocence.. For being a TYPICAL BONG GIRL may be :P ..
4.Ya , Ranbir is good too :D
5.Amit Trivedi Kicks ass with Iktara.Total Love for this Doubts :D
6.I love his camera.I love his job . i love her job.And i Love the fact that her boss likes Jazz..I love Jazzz!!! And ya.i so want a Jazz By the Way in Bangalore..SomeOne ??!!
7.I m still wondering how everything he clicks in that picture turns out to be pretty and awesome ...hmm...makes me wanna relive some of my jobless days..

Sunday, October 17, 2010


It has been quite some time since i have started this blog.And it has been quite some time since i stopped writing sensible stuff in it (ya , i know may be never is something that comes to my mind too).But earlier , when i started writing this blog,the kind of content it used to have was atleast and honest trial at getting creative.Now it just seems to be a lil too forced.Its been a nice blogging experience so far.And since i want to keep it that way, one of these things is gonna happen in the near future, starting tomorrow
1.Force blogging everyday ,non stop blogging about stupid insignificant/funny/boring/gruelling/pervy/narcissist content everyday
2.No random indiscriminate blogging , if no blog updates even after a week.A point 1 phenomenon might occur if i get a lil too bored
3.This blog might become a photoblog.ahhahahahaha.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Well..All these days..

All these days of effort spent, wondering...HW much bigger can a hard disk get ? How much more can u actually much more would you want to store...came to a culmination, and it read  - "AS MUCH AS YOUR FRIEND DOES " .
Well , yah, it sounds corny and all , but if you really look hard would realize that , most of the data that occupies your  500 Gb or more of your hard disk is either from your friends, roomies, classmates,officemates / the internets , the latter only if you are an obsessive download addict of sorts....And ya, thats not downloading , its called hoarding. :) 

500 GB of songs can last an eternity, I can promise you that its going to last a 25 years if you keep playing them non stop.OH YEAH.unless tehy are a cheap FLAC algorithm gone wrong or something , and exceeding 70 mB per song. :P 
500 GB of movies will render you blind ..a.hhh...may be not..but seriously , if you can watch those many movies, then please , dont read this blog .You have a movie waiting for you. :)

I jsut realized that i bot a 500 gb portable and then in a day managed to copy all the zilch from my friends laptop , which was again a 500 +320.Talk about reduncancy...i am not even gonna watch half of the stuff..since i do not know what i am not going to watch, i am not going to delete any of it either....Well atleast now i know why greed for space will last..forever and ever.