Hey Public !
Yeah you.. Come on , put down that thing that you are holding right now ! Yeah , thats right. Your fake.... ideals !
We know that we all gave bribes..Hell yeah , i did. It was called "the fee you have to pay" to get the drivers license. I never wanted a drivers license. But then , you know, family pressure and stuff.... And yeah , this is not to real ideal public. i know a lot of em. I respect you all. You all rock. The rest read on (non-hypocrites, read on).
We are all jealous of the politicians, arent we ? Their life is just so bloody awesome. Almost everyone has a BMW/Audi these days in India (everyone has it in america btw.just saying). Every politician out there has been the brunt of the lack of direction the public anger has. Of course , they do deserve some of it.. But really ? All of it ? No.No way.
Firstly, getting bribe is not an easy job. It takes balls to do it. I mean, who would really take a bribe if they knew that there are a bunch of canniving little bastards out there trying to bring you down from a monstrosity of a well paying job for their own good? Well , the answer is , the man with.. b.., ok ,guts..! It takes guts people. Takes guts to get a bribe from someone. Doesnt take guts to give bribe though. its bloody easy. All you need to do is just give it to him , and then blame him later for it.
So. All the briberians, i salute you.. You are a spoilt kid.Thats all you are. You obviously cant be treated like a spoilt kid coz you are a spoilt kid trying to run the nation...So yeah, face it , or just get the hell out ! Feeling sorry for you.But well. Thats life.