I once had a conversation (quite long ago) with a friend regarding how easy it was to let go of something in life. This friend of mine is a pretty reasonable chap mind you. So if i am going to state anything here , its better kept in mind that it comes from a pretty rational source.
He said that i moved on from things quite quickly. Except one.
It did come to me as a surprise. I never looked back into my past. He was right. I always believed in making the best out of what i was presented. It was never a contest between me and destiny where i told it to change course according to my needs and blamed it if it did not oblige. Destiny to me only existed in retrospect. I never bothered to carve out one for myself. So , it did come as a surprise to me when he said that i could not move on from that one single thing. I started wondering why. I do usually attach myself to things. Im not the guy who broods, but sometimes i do get fixated onto ideas. I love the little joys that come attached with them. For instance, i love the fact that early mornings have soft sunlight and birds chirping. A morning without either of these counts as nothing to me. In a sense , the birds are the part of my morning. Be it morning in Kerala, Bangalore or Minneapolis.I have been trying to apply the same logic to people.
I guess its human nature to find replacements or people to connect with , whenever there is sudden scarcity of a social circle(s). It must be no surprise then if a person tries to fill up a void made by someone who thinks is different/special. This could be anyone i guess. But in my case , oh well ..
Letting go of a person involves a lot of things. Its not just about forgetting this person . Sometimes its the very actions that we take , those which came to be defined in the process of being with this person. It could be tastes developed, hobbies, language, humor and anything or everything that can be influenced by a second party.
Its bloody hard to do in the true sense of the word. I can forget, but m not sure if i can let go entirely . I do not know what that word means to anyone/everyone. They seem to be doing it pretty easily , and m more or less convinced that they are not doing it the right way.
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