A semester later , i decided to change my mind. I thought , "oh what the heck ,lets try this. Might help me get a job atleast" (I was all smart ass about my job. I thought that computer graphics was something completely unrelated in terms of implementation with respect to algorithms). And then i took it under a very famous professor at our university .. famous for giving out bad grades ie :-).
It was a dare. Ah, double dare . First - survive the crap that is algorithms. Second - pass the course (not sure if this is happening yet. results are yet to be announced).
The first class was pretty scary. Lots and lots of tough assignments promised , and plus absolutely zero tolerance on late submissions (thats what i had been hearing) , and no grace days ! Totally unlike my other courses i tell ya.
Things got better as classes went on . I actually realized that this was a pretty fun course. Most importantly , the teacher was just brilliant . Probably the first time i have ever seen someone who is so well versed with the topic , with absolutely no air of a researcher . He knew how to teach .He would treat every single stupid doubt posed by the students ( a lot of people blame me for the stupid part , i promise) like me. There was never a class where (unless i lost attention after 50 mins..i have a very short attention span) i did not ask him a single question if it was rolling around inside my head. It was a charmer of a class. The grades did suck and i did not like solving problems theoretically. I usually gave up after i figured out the idea behind the problem. I lost patience with some. But i heck as made sure that i got the concepts right before i gave my finals. The teacher had done it for me . The class was great . I loved it . Grad school was worth it for this course.
Thank you professor.
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