Thursday, July 22, 2010

Ever since then.....

I must have started blogging in college.Frankly i dont remember.And for the past 6 years , ever since i started blogging
1 the quality of my blogs has not improved a little bit.
2 I havent learnt anything apart from a lot of copy paste work and some CMS (codeManagementSystem), underscoring_ in un_necessary places,lots of tweeting,a lil bit about cameras,flickr spamming,blogger spamming,developing an inflated ego,bad english,long insensible sentence construction by prolonging an already endless boring list with more boring insensible self recursive stuff like this etc etc...
3 Music hasnt progressed anywhere..My interest still stays.I havent composed a full song after my 3rd year
4. i havent learnt a single extra chord
5. I havent practised guitar for more than 10 hrs flat. 
6. Added 1 more follower in the form of Priya (This was very accidental for her.not on purpose..I am sure. :)
7. Gained may be 2 Kgs.
8. Lost a lot of hair
9. Cornied my jokes to the heights of corny
10. Developed a little bit of a wiki addiction
11. Developed jealousy for guys with good looking chicks (they didnt exist in college..i swear)
12. Honed my chick staring skills
13. Maintained my no bullshit with chicks policy (that means, only the usual and no being-extra-nice-with-girls policy)
14. Repelled a lot of girls because of certain policies that i stuck to.

15.I might make a list of more pathetic things that i need to look back upon and say..aaah..i was so awesome...because right now i am a lot more pathetic.. :P

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