Tuesday, October 6, 2009


It was only me to blame...an amp in the place of the mic would have done wonders..just so FD up....y cant they keep an amp and y was i so overconfident that there would be a mic stand / an amplifier / a monitor in a corporate get together party..man, this isnt a rock concert !. .
Stupids learn atleast..so here is to my learning spree...
Devoted to the lacklustre performance by me....absence of a mic stand.and lots more...Kudos to the singer though.she was fantastic..
---CIAo..:( ..


Vidhyaa said...

oho ... now c'mon, u r just making this sound a lot whinier than what it really was like. u'd have played well only. drums right? \m/

shrecks said...

nope.not the drums.guitar.