Friday, October 16, 2009

ODE to my super roomie

This one goes out to my super roomie.
It was as usual a very cold and lazy morning.Woke up , slept of again,took a bath ,got out for the office, only to find my mobile missing.......
Me being the ultimate fighting machine in top shape ready to run after a speeding merc at a 100kmph, decided not to waste so much adrenaline and energy for such a feudal purpose..i already have the internet, mom doesnt call in the morning , i have no girl friends who call me on my phone and hence no dependency issues till 6 pm.No need to rush tiger..just rush to the office and give mr roomie a call..Exactly what commenced was exactly wat was planned and exactly wat my roomie said was not so exactly as planned.Plan A - down in the dumpster dead and buried (kudos to Sidhu ji. )

Found out a good 30 minutes later that Mr Roomie actually went all the way back to the flat to get my cellphone after climbing a good 120 steps or so.Wow ! and well.That too back from the exact same place i was when i had decided to give it a skip.Now thats being a roomie..

SO , now i have a super maid and a super roomie... :) :)

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