Thursday, September 17, 2009

yet to be "figure"d out.

You see,
Life is a sea,
a deep BLUE sea... (BLUE ,latest music release by aRR..bhoola tujhe is a blockbuster)

And Life as i was sayin, brings along with it a big stinkin , amusing,breeding , proliferating litter of changes and mysteries.Now , of all that crap i just said, I find many of them worth pursuing.

Number 1 .

Girls --as i got older->Ladies--as i got older->Women--as i got wiser->Stop.

The above graph,which is quite uncomplicated in its complexity ,even more uncomplicated than the complex set of stupid complex complexities being complexly built by me ,reminds me of what might also happen in my Life...
Girls , are after all ,very intriguing objects in a mans ,and sometimes in a womans life..They are the quintessential hope that , one man carries in his heart atleast for a finite period in his entire lifetime and if not lucky enough , he gets to carry that Quintal-unessential to the end of his life as well.Now , lets not digress.As i was saying.A woman is a mans way to show the world that he is not a loser,the way to show that he can succeed in this rather entertaining and at the same time , if looked at from a very farsighted angle --- married men have this angle quite figured out at their disposal anytime ,available for free sale as advice,no one take em for the same reason--- can look very very scary....

So what is it that women do...? what causes love ? one knows...all iknow is that a beautiful girl can make you forget the last beautiful girl you saw, the work thats left for the day,the breakfast for the day,lunch for the day and sometimes if lucky enuf you will manage to have the dinner for the day - with her .Beautiful girls, may it be in form or spirit or in heaven (metaphor for angels . .:)) will always act as the fountain of mana in the magic that is life ..oh yes.You donno y u love them , nor do you know y u live for them....

--- Dedicated to all the pretty chicks iv checkd out in the past years of my life.


Vidhyaa said...

i don't why, it's completely against all tenets of reason, but i like this post. ;-)

Naveen said...

Women have an unique way of complicating things for men and love is their tool.