You can always stand back and make a boolean decision on whether you can scale the himalaya or not.Its way too easy to condense the whole process in the mind and ignore all teh small fringe errors to come up with an answer that involves thresholding the Possibles against the Impossibles.What you judge to be impossible and possible can change based on how much excess food you had on the lunchbreak , who shouted at you 1/2 an hr back,how many times you got pummeled by your manager on a workday,what the previous day was (sunday always good ) etc.
If you are still in the water about what i am saying..well its just my way of saying "Its too dumb to be imagining the situation in your head than actually doing it..."
If you think you cant play the guitar,stop thinking , play it.
If you cant crunch numbers,stop thinking about it and start crunching until you are good at it.
If you cant impress a chick,stop trying to impress her ! :P - The only exception to the rule, liberty of breaking this is inversely propotional to the number of big brothers the girl has.
So much to be said.All springin up from my drum teachers statement ":THers only one thing ....Practice.Stick practice takes care of everything else" -- Legend.
A big bow to the genius --- on teachers day.
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