Friday, September 4, 2009

So much recession!

Well, recession is having its effect on me.
Firstly , u know that ur not ur managers favourite and u got so much stuff to do and bloody hell - even ur managers got a heck of a lot of work from his manager and so on, and your project is only less baked up than a solidified chicken broth....... AND even MORE SMELLY !!
1. Chords picked up == almost null...mayb some 3-4 fundas on sus chords and shit.
2.Songwriting == again. ..meagre.Best song has been an almost B-SIde ka baap B-side - "Would i have loved you if had met you yesterday" ...Sad sad state of affairs well explained.THough the song is a legend in my books....:P
----JUST F**K IT PHASE ----
Now lifes all about doing it and dumping it and going along as if nothing has happened.Brushing of all the shit of my shoulders on the weekends and squandering like a squirrel in its puberty, virtually (not literally ) , humpin all that comes my way (thatt means goin hyper about all the stuff -- like movies,songs ,movies songs,coffee,coffee day,games,Linux,guitar,drums,girls,more girls,hotter girls in brigade road....___)
-Lifes also about tolerating your roomies,who can get as crazy and weird as you.Well even weireder....but in our world , being weird is normal ! (FYI --- but being more weird doesnt count as more normal.)
- Getting the sarcastic kick out of Sach Ka Saamna,
- Watching the lamest shows on TV when you are jobless
- Talking pointlessly about failed relationships...and NOTHING !.<this is cryptic.only my roomie ignore it if u r nt HIM !>.. (this is being practised upto today like some kind of an alcoholic drink... by my roomie ie).
PS : I know my roomies are not gonna read it.
Bux --- if u do , leave a message.

1 comment:

Vidhyaa said...

why dude? why? u need a holiday! when r u going 2 get 1?