Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Magic that is India

Firstly i will start with the confession , which is an obvious one. You are always predisposed to have a bit of bias towards the land from where motherly love comes from.Be it from your mother, or your father (i think its just as motherly at times ;) . Then there is this whole influence of your friends, your teachers , your extended family ( as good as it gets in my case) and what not.

But then , there are things in India that you get nowhere else. There is the always helpful and casual public. They know not the ways of the nice or the civilized.They are educated in matters of the heart. They uphold traditions , and stick to them religiously.I am not talking the ones people tend to politicize or turn into vote banks.I am talking rich belief and integrity in human values. You can tolerate people spitting on the roads,  you can still go to them and ask for help and then exchange a smile and a token of gratitude without uttering the word "thanks". Words need not be spoken to be understood, smiles need not be forced to be seen.It is india to me. Everything is effortless in my land. Everything is unforced. May be there is a bit of violence a bit of rudeness that people of other cultures tend to misinterpret. But then, we just do fine when it comes to treating the person the right way. We are brothers to our best friends , and we are almost never acquaintances.We have no work buddies ( at least i dint).I miss that here. I miss that warmth and those impalpable moments. I may sound a bit too patriotic (chauvinistic if u push it) , but then this is not something that I am using as a list of things that make my country the one worth living in.

Its a list of things that i wish for you to have experienced if you are non-indian , or a list of things that you might have in your head , but cant seem to put them in a blog - like me , since you are not as jobless/distracted.

PS : For a change , i stuck to the title i started out with.



the more we move towards globalisation .. the more revivalism of nationalism..

shrecks said...

true !!!