Monday, March 7, 2011

XPS 15

I was planning on buying an XPS 15 , DELL this month.I check the site for an update on the prices and i see that it has stopped sellin them on the site.Alarmed a lil bit by this , i called up the DELL call centre and found that it is only a temporary halt in sales and its going to be back up as soon as DELL can meet up with the huge demands for the product.

I rested my hopes on the 15" series Inspiron and decided to check it out at the DELL store nearby.To my disappointment, i found the build quality worse than the DELL Studio 15.The sales person at the shop told me that XPS 15 is out of the market for good.This wasnt working well for me.I decided to trust the call center guy instead..

On googling out for the XPS 15, i found this link , which makes matters worse .Looks like DELL is playing demand increases , price increases game here.If they are , it is as cheap as they can get.Smart asses.

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