Friday, December 3, 2010

Early morning

Got up at 12 today after a nice night out at the office till 5.Pathetic.Yeah.
Went up to the cafeteria, at around , 2 . NDTV was playing yet another pliagiarization of the Brangelina couple , calling it the Saifeena.I dont get whats with these news channels.K , it convenient to call them that , but really ? Isnt it so darn irritating to read something like Saifeena ? I mean , it sounds like some kind of dish washing powder for christs sake ! 

i have had enough of this gates and feena crap...And i have had enough of these people sensationalizing stuff.Also , in a way they kind of remind me of the show off guy at the pub in Good Will Hunting...Flaunting knowledge to impress,with absolutely no originality....Get a life you news channels ! 

Have been watching the same trend with movie reviews too.No one talks about why they didnt like the movie.How can you not like the movie if the characters looked like that from a Hugh Grant movie ? Did you get bored or entertained ? Thats what matters to me.Kinda makes you skeptic when the same review ends with, " All the characters have done a good job in acting and were funny" , and " the dialogues are really slapstick , like from a Hugh Grant movie " , and "You dont get the same vibe as that from a F.R.I.E.N.D.S sitcom" ..I mean , wtf ? It would be like saying that John Abraham is a bad star coz he shares looks with his mother.. ( No insults here.Just making an odd comparison.Sorry Johns mother)

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