Saturday, October 9, 2010


Well..All these days..

All these days of effort spent, wondering...HW much bigger can a hard disk get ? How much more can u actually much more would you want to store...came to a culmination, and it read  - "AS MUCH AS YOUR FRIEND DOES " .
Well , yah, it sounds corny and all , but if you really look hard would realize that , most of the data that occupies your  500 Gb or more of your hard disk is either from your friends, roomies, classmates,officemates / the internets , the latter only if you are an obsessive download addict of sorts....And ya, thats not downloading , its called hoarding. :) 

500 GB of songs can last an eternity, I can promise you that its going to last a 25 years if you keep playing them non stop.OH YEAH.unless tehy are a cheap FLAC algorithm gone wrong or something , and exceeding 70 mB per song. :P 
500 GB of movies will render you blind ..a.hhh...may be not..but seriously , if you can watch those many movies, then please , dont read this blog .You have a movie waiting for you. :)

I jsut realized that i bot a 500 gb portable and then in a day managed to copy all the zilch from my friends laptop , which was again a 500 +320.Talk about reduncancy...i am not even gonna watch half of the stuff..since i do not know what i am not going to watch, i am not going to delete any of it either....Well atleast now i know why greed for space will last..forever and ever.

1 comment:

Milcom said...

Memory is so cheap these days that we end up having useless stuff in them. I am talking about our own memory as well. :P