Tuesday, March 23, 2010

No matter what

No matter how much love u give me 
No matter how much love u owe me
You are givin me nothing that i am asking for
You givin me too much too much to take care of
taking me for granted aint taking care of me
give me what i ask for 
give me what i want
give me all the time i need
just be around
just go fight your fight
go live your life , 
when i need you 
just stay at my sight
thats me consoling you 
yea thats right
Dont take forever to let me go
even if you do , i d never know 
i never asked u just came like a bad dream 
in my sleep , now i am too numbed to see
what you doing or what you care about
what is that you want to do 
what this is about or anything else
let me live my life , i hope theres nothing else.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Feels like Fire

Watchin with eyes so deep
filled with my soul , runs too deep
Time it ticks , while it never fades
refuses to go away
Beauty it hath struck me
can run oh - so skin deep
Leaving faults of irony in my mind

 wud be lovely even if i wer colour blind

Stings so deep , vibes so steep
the breeze turns into a firestorm
the scent leaches into an acid rain
Still , waiting to feel the pain..
coz i love the rain ...coz i love the rain..
Love the masochist ,
This feels insane.this feels like fire.
waiting to get doused ,
in the rain...
ah .. i love the rain.

PS : The title is a tribute to the dido santana - " i feel like fire " song.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Growing up

i guess i was just 10 years old.There was a cricket match at the field next to my home and i dint know a single kid.That was never a big deal.As a kid , you are meeting someone new.Some new kid from another block or something.Also , it was my first day at the playground...( i was officially allowd to roam around alone.. #win) ..
Asked these guys if i could play.. and i was.The rest of the day was just chasing the ball and getting hit for sixes and getting some nice ducks for breakfast next day etc....... Made a lil difference to any of us...Good stuff to laugh on about.

And now after another 13 years....its history...that can never repeat itself.

Friday, March 5, 2010


Well , this is how most females who know jack about photography (by that i mean , pornography aint the only work u can do with the camera ) ....interpret it...
A man who is walkin around your building is all of a sudden prowling.The day just got a lil eerier and you swear that you have that sixth sense about someone voyeuring around , trying to click pics ..ah the horror. !


Dont blame them really..i mean..come on ..they are females..they are Literally , the most insecure people on earth.. ( k no pun was initially intended but trring..in pops the stayfree secure ad ! dont blame me..blame the pun gods.. )

- They need privacy
- They need love
- They need cosmetics
- They need their own balcony at the 5th floor to hang all the clothes they just washed
- They need the entire perimeter clear of cameras..(perimeter subject to the zooming ablity of the object.. so i guess max is like 360 mm ..translates to i donno how many metres .. :O)
- They need to feel important , though they are not..So they will definitely call up the apartment in charge, accuse him of letting insane unstable people (aka photographers) run around the building. . .

All said and done .. , the helpless owner is just gonna go " ah wtf ! the aunty does a #wifey again ! ..poor chap .. " , walks out of his room wearing the clothes his wife had hung yesterday at the balcony without any unfortunate hindrance from the glass carrying perverts...reaches the parking , stares in bewilderment at the heavily built (ya , BIG no secret ) man.

Man : *hmm curious onlooker guy approaching wearing yellow artistically challenged shirt...hm..admirer mayb*         *cough*
Owner  - "hello sir "
Man : "Hmm yea ? " *pumping data from massively interconnected / mangled neurons to the medulla oblongata *
Owner: "People are feeling insecure with you walking around the apartment "
Man : *looks down.verifies clothing * " but ..."
Owner: "The camera ..."
Man : "Oh ... " *ROFLCOPTERING..*
Man:"Oh ok, so u mean the females ?"
Owner:"Obviously sir " - ( gives a tell me something that i dont know look mixed with the agony of the chapati maker machine falling on his head expression)
Man: *sympathetic* "Oh , k , ya i understand ..i dont blame them (read as you ..)" (thinks about the last time he had an argument with a female frnd, in which he had pointlessly conceded all his opinions to the much superior frequency of her voice (headache looming in the background) *
Owner : " Hehehe... k , i strongly advice that you dont photograph at the back of the apartment "
Man : " OH ..eh " , *WTFed momentarily* "Oh , y is that ?? "
Owner : "Anything done at the back is considered illegal " *chuckle* <-- this can be a figment of my imagination..only the chuckle ie .. :P
Man: "haha..ok..but i cant help it..the backside has awesome shadow even at 10 in the morning..perfect for some silheouttes againt the sky etc..."
Owner: " Ya i get it ...then , just make it a point that you dont point your camera at the building wen shooting "
Man : *wooot* (females not gonnna give up with a man prowling carryin a camera thats pointed downwards,laterally ,obliquely et al )
Man: "Oh ok...great sir...you wanna take a look at my pics ? , you know , not to torture you for this or anything , but just to prove my innocence ?? "
Owner : "Nah , i know.... " ( i swear that he said "these females " under his breath....i swear  ! )

Leaves. .. involuntarily giving the man with the camera unwritten permission to photograph the leaves and the sewage around the building... ( k, there wer loads of other things too..but believe me .. my apartment is the brightest red ! amazing colour..not photographin it is a sin ! )

Man makes a mental note to floor all the aunties during the apartment community meetup with his verbal jugglery...or may be not fingers crossed :x

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Pervboy effect.

K , lets cut it straight, Guys dream about girls, ogle at them and seldom ignore them when they are walking in an extremely crowded marketplace where the girl ominously stands out from the rest of the LOCAL- girls in her bright blue salwar and her golden shining necklaces.. ( k i know i am pushing it , but its just an attempt to write more than what little information i have left in my brain )
SO, now you are mostly just wondering about how this girl looks / how guys can look at girls like that , instead of WHY ? or WHY we guys look at them at all...Hmm..heres a theory...

If you ask me , one of the most important things invented in math was the feedback formula.. , where you take something / some data and repeatedly filter /fine tune the data you get based on some previous experiences..Let that be data about your brainwave ( wic always adds up to zero) / data about your testosterone levels (adds upto infinity for me and may be a bell curve for u / zero for females) / data on girls ...

The last one howver fellows , the last one has the most peculiar of effects...If you think its just ur hormones , just hold on ...it may not be just it..

Test case 1.
You find a girl at a bus stop.The bus is really late , really really...so ur ogling...just dumass (not dumas ) types..on and on...her dads watching you .. you just pretend that you are trying to look through her and read that infomercial they have pasted about pick pocketeers.(it must say , dont be absent minded ..fcorz not ..rite now , my brains the most active ! ) 
So , there you go..ur wondering how shes pretty ..how how how ? 
On a real scale , shed rank 6/10 when compared against Meg Ryan (ya heavy comparison) , Shakira ( i like her ok ?) , Kajol (Killer eyes ya ! ) , Anna hathaway ( Killer Eyes ..seriously )  / etc etc (the list is endless really ) ...BUT , shes gonna be all 10/10 for u in that tiny lil bus stop, especially since you tend to do some "absent minded / unnoticed / subsystemic conversions in your head " as i would call it ...
The Conversion - (or the pervboy theorom )
Place : Inside brain ( rough estimate..i think i think with my brain in these scenarios.. :P )
Space : that guilt patch that was uncovered at the time you hit 15
Time : Right when you panned away from her dad to her face (no adjectives yet )

Your brain takes the girl away from her dad and transports her into a place where everyone else is either frozen , deaf, dumb or uglier than you are ..The closest place that can get you there if you ask me is India .. ( i loathe how we indian men look..  :P)  ..So you are in the right place , perfecto ! Now , all htat you need is a bus , You and her catching up on old issues , like that joke you cracked when you tried hitting on her..Shes talking in slow motion and her eyes are bobbing in and out of focus and you swear to god that her eyes are more beautiful than Genelia Desouzas..."

.... " now shes waving her hair ,its more graceful than a sine wave ..more periodic and yet somehow hum...bling!..ly childish ..black shiny ..sunsilk ad takes a back seat..You swear to god that its better than Asins hair and you let her top the list again " ........

- you do this iteratively in the shortest amount of time allocated to you based on the weight-age you have opted for her hair , eyes , palms hands..ah what the heck.. u know wat m sayin ! 

in the end, the girl ends up scoring more than 100/100 on most occassions and this kinda wears off with time..If it doesnt , good luck to you... 

PS : Dear girls , thank you for being the most beautiful creatures on earth..most importantly, thank god that you are the opposite sex :P 

God , thank you for letting man invent kajal /masscara ..it has truly love massacred a thousand male souls ..