Thursday, November 5, 2009


This is an ode to X .
I ll call this person X , quite contarary to my usual non caring attitude towards peoples privacy , because this is supposed to be a freakin ODE ! So respect to Privacy ! M sure that this persons gonna need it as well ;)
Before X ,i had a head that jutted out 14 cm tall , jutting out from my body, heavily loaded with classic mallu gibberish and tam brahm tayir saadham.Thayir saadham ,you mite say is good ..Oh yes it is , but not when its INSIDE your head. :)
Before X , i was pretty sure that the only place where i can go wrong in life is when i decide that i will opt to be an average human being.
Before X, i thought that i was the single most awesome person on the planet , and everyone must be like i am.Or the way X puts it  --  " X : You expect people to be mirror images of yourself  " .That was the greatest advice ever !.Being realised in small doses.
Before X , i could not see why someone needed to do all the hardwork in the world.Why someone was called hardworking and why someone talented.Later on (this obviously means after X ) , i came to realize that this distinguishment was only made by the people who judged all of them.The talented ./ the untalented etc.The talented hardly make it look like they are working. :)
Before X , i couldnt understand what my emotions meant to me / what it meant to others.X gave me a fair perspective :)
X , it was nice having you around. ( X is still alive by the way. this is no obituary..will keep oding to X if i feel the need for it. )

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