Tuesday, November 24, 2009


this is a new series, starting again ,from something my man anonymous told me.its an ode to random chics (mainly) or happenings on the highway/basement/street/office/cafeteria/bus/car/train et al.
I saw u in Brigade Road, my heart it skipped a beat.Thank god that i was not too upbeat coz the i would have tripped over my feet.Not too clever to be ogling blindly on a rainy day on a slippery street...Nevertheless u wer pretty...
Caught a glimpse of her on the way back too..This time there was waay to much stuff in my head for more mumblings..Just let her pass by and the brain refreshed itself after 30 good seconds..

Conscience upgrade.

So it was not just any day..It was a saturday , and ya u mite go ahead and say " Holy crap, that comes every 7 days..blah" .But ...It was not any saturday.It was the saturday before a happily single girl got married of , and more importantly (totally unrelated to the marriage ..dont make a connection..yet ! ) , my dear buddy thor , gave himself a conscience upgrade.
Me , thor , thor me , me thor , thor me...Yes , it sounds like a very unfortunate pair.The ogre from the swamp, instead of being paird up with a funny ,funny-looking donkey, instead gets paired up with a gangly , truly and well deservingly self proclaimed and provable in many other ways -- obnoxious self obsessed people loathing curly haired prick, who does not even resemble the norse god he claims himself to be in his many i(un) nfamous profiles... 
Coming back to the point, about the conscience upgrade ie..
Its not easy to stay with someone whose only aim is to get entertained from the plight of others.Esp when the others -->other and the other --> is you..
Yes , ofcorz.Me the masochist (thors analogy..) , loves every moment of it and hence this was not different from any other sessions that i v had with him..Only this time , thor seems to have struck on the little guilt patch he has been skipping over successfuly the past 100 million times...Hmmm...Fcorz. ur bound to fall some day......
I would call it still ,a conscience upgrade..
Respects to thor for all the shitloads of false ideas he has about himself.But hes a jolly good fellow with a heck of a load of good ones to .
The Masochist.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

on 2012

Preface --- Thor , my man would love this movie coz hes gonnaa bitch about it endless....

2012 is a tribute to modern movie graphics.I would even go so far to say that 2012 is the best special effects i have seen on a 70mm screen (this is coz i get to see my roomie in 3D all the time..he is something like a special effect once he is high :P ).2012 can be called the modern mans 300  :P , but it would still qualify as only a video game version of a real steven spielber moie.The director ,whoever he is , through cheap stunts (emotional ones i mean ) ,tries to bringa notion of humanness in the movie , while he actually tries to add 300 % novelty and another 200 % panache to people getting killed in huge huge huge numbers....You would know what i am talking about once you watch a fat man boxer dying while saving his kid, Ugly german accent guy crashing plane etc.

Also, these bastards who survive are made to look like heroes , while they are just plain lucky ....or should i say Plane Lucky ! Whatever that may be , the movie makes absolutely no effort to show that there are more than 30 people involved in teh whole plot, including a bengali guy , in eastern india who speaks english better than hindi....pathetic....

Thank you 2012 for the amazing effects.But u are still a lame crowd appeasing unrealistic entertainer .... This only coming from me because this theme i felt , could have brought a lot out of what could happen when the human race is in such a condition...

Thursday, November 5, 2009


This is an ode to X .
I ll call this person X , quite contarary to my usual non caring attitude towards peoples privacy , because this is supposed to be a freakin ODE ! So respect to Privacy ! M sure that this persons gonna need it as well ;)
Before X ,i had a head that jutted out 14 cm tall , jutting out from my body, heavily loaded with classic mallu gibberish and tam brahm tayir saadham.Thayir saadham ,you mite say is good ..Oh yes it is , but not when its INSIDE your head. :)
Before X , i was pretty sure that the only place where i can go wrong in life is when i decide that i will opt to be an average human being.
Before X, i thought that i was the single most awesome person on the planet , and everyone must be like i am.Or the way X puts it  --  " X : You expect people to be mirror images of yourself  " .That was the greatest advice ever !.Being realised in small doses.
Before X , i could not see why someone needed to do all the hardwork in the world.Why someone was called hardworking and why someone talented.Later on (this obviously means after X ) , i came to realize that this distinguishment was only made by the people who judged all of them.The talented ./ the untalented etc.The talented hardly make it look like they are working. :)
Before X , i couldnt understand what my emotions meant to me / what it meant to others.X gave me a fair perspective :)
X , it was nice having you around. ( X is still alive by the way. this is no obituary..will keep oding to X if i feel the need for it. )

Monday, November 2, 2009


I have been wondering if I would ever meet, or if i ever met , realize that i have met , a man who wanted everything.Both my questions are still unanswered / i would rather say , unrealized as i struggle with myself to understand , if i could ever put myself in that mans place.

Yes, i am not the only one.Its everyone in this world, every soul,every being that can breathe and move and feed.Every living object that includes the lush green of the amazon and the dried up flora in the Thar.Everything.
Scary the prospect is sometimes , when you think that your Best Friend Might stab you , if he is facing a situation where he might be killed if he doesnt kill you.Thats the bare minimum he would ask for.Life, survival.No one would dare to argue.Your Life Vs Mine ? Chances are i ll choose mine..
Scary the prospect is sometimes,when you think that you might be someone elses dinner ( indirectly.say,murder for money) when the Killer has little choice but to kill you or get killed.
Scary,is the fact that , looking into yourself to seek the truth,would yield along with the truth,the supreme love for yourself as the worlds ultimate formula.
Scary is the world , when you realize that , the man Charles Darwin was not a complete jack ass , when he said that the world lives on the principle of the survival of the fittest.

Bottom Line
-- Civilization is the only thing that keeps you from running for your life.Respect it.