Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Taste that gets you started up !! Neskaaapi......

Hi FOLKS ! As u can SEE im very much on my caffeine diet right now….I don’t need no caffeine patches ,coz if I put em on they are gonna turn into overly caffeinated caffeine patches which at some point in time can only act as an additional weight on my biceps….Ah well , chuck the joke (k if u dint c any , ignore the comment ),there are things that are waay better than tat , like say , COFFEE….

I love coffe….

Coffee is equivalent to ..

  1. 2 half a cups of coffee
  2. Having two days off in the middle of the day
  3. Having a rocket booster attached to your ass when you are trying to smash that piece of tennis ball into your opponents face
  4. Getting a pair of ultralite shoes that are so light that you are virtually walking on your ass coz u cant even feel your legs…
  5. Having no LSD( nah aint that high_ :P)
  6. undoing 36 hrs of non stop work at the office
  7. udoing a lot of other things…(THINK ! )
  8. composing half a song…(nothing gives a better kick than a song )
  9. Kicking your worst enemys ass while you are drinking coffee and making him pay for it every time .. (infinite loop)
  10. Not wasting too much plain water and blaming it on the office for ur dehydration (this is true . J)
  11. Making me love my company for the wrong reasons.(they give me free coffee )

1 comment:

Vidhyaa said...

I hate coffee and I refuse every cup of coffee offered to me BUT I guess coffee is a soul mate to you. Look at you write a 10 reasons why I love you type of post for Coffee of all things in the world ... Enjoy your delightful cups of Neskaapi! :P