Saturday, May 29, 2010

We like

Its almost a usual chore to write out a list of things you like and then wait to see if someone else likes it.Be it in the form of photography / blog  / watever...

But i m just wondering if there can be a list of things that we all like..for sure !! 

M giving it my best shot here....

What guys like (ya.they must ! )

1. Porn  (actually who doesnt..hmm..)
2. Girls (yea most of us do)
3. Ogling (all of us do , but many hate to admit it)
4. Hating Pink (yea mooost of us do)
5. Hating feeling miserable and teary eyed infront of people (boys cant cry)
6. Hating the IT industry though it pays you for doing practically nothing
7. Having a college crush
8. Bitching about her in a manly manner ("manly manner" ? ..dont ask me how)
9. Claiming to have doped in college(applies to metal heads only)
10. Facebooking your velapan awway.....

What girls like (not like i know..but , this is a guys BIBLE.)
1. Porn ( i sure hope so)
2. Guys
3.No ogling...its strictly acting like miss indifferentiality.
4.Squint eye -side look technique - ( a smart variant of ogling which largely has evolved in the southern parts of asia , especially in south india , where girls dont have the mandate to stare at guys and might literally feel the stick (no puns) if orders are disobeyed)
5.Nail Polish
7.Mascarra (not really..but i like girls who wear mascarra, and to me they are the only girls who exist for now :P )
8.Playing the unpredictable - girls know that , we guys are kinda desperate...they love bein unpredictable.... this stuff kinda wears of after marriage coz then theres no more GUYS hitting on tehm concept.Theres A guy and showing off some indifferentiality-ness is not gonna shake that man !
9.Dumping atleast one guy in college ( yea, i v seen this..its in their bucketlist..for sure)
10. Wincing at swear words in public.. ( this needless to be said when done ,  is usually a sick part of their beautiful face)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Five Sound Questions to sounDesign

Gianpaolo D'Amico and Sara Lenzi. Photo by Nunzio Talamo.

Gianpaolo D'Amico and Sara Lenzi. Photo by Nunzio Talamo.

If you still don’t know Everyday Listening now it’s the right time. Hugo Verweij is the creator of this wonderful blog dealing with art, inspiration and creativity in the field of music and sound.

Some months ago Hugo had this nice idea of creating Five Sound Questions, a series of small interviews to discover the most intimate side of professionals and artists who work with Sound in many ways. The list of people who joined Hugo’s initiative is very interesting: Zimoun, Stephen Gallagher, Anna Friz, Miriam Lohan, Stephen Cornford, Olle Cornéer and Martin Lübcke, Verónica Mota, Yuri Suzuki, Alyce Santoro and Jack Pavlik.

If you’re curious, these are the questions:

  1. What sound from your childhood made the most impression on you?
  2. How do you listen to the world around you?
  3. Which place in the world do you favor for its sound?
  4. How could we make sound improve our lives?
  5. What sound would you like to wake up to?

Now the time has come. Hugo sent us his invitation to partecipate, then I and Sara put our head on the floor with our usual headphones and asked our friend Nunzio Talamo to shoot some photo. We had a lot of fun and then we got inspired for the sound answers too: this is our personal contribution to the 5 questions series.

Hi Hugo, thank you very much.

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Some sound design stuff i found. .Interesting page too ..

Posted via web from Pre-Posterous